Apparently the women don't get it either. At least Gigi (Ginnifer Goodwin) doesn't, plus a whole host of her female friends in this romantic comedy ensemble about why he's just not that into you.
In Gigi's case, it's Connor (Kevin Conolly), from whom she's waiting for a follow up call after a date. So it's down to Alex (Justin Long) to educate her on a few of life's simple truths.
"If he wants to see you, he'll make it happen."
And all of a sudden, Alex becomes her love guru.
Connor on the other hand, has the hots for the lovely Anna (Scarlett Johansson) who's been blowing hot and cold. She has a friend Mary (Drew Barrymore), whom Connor has never met, but who is helping him with his Real Estate promotion.
Anna actually likes Ben (Bradley Cooper), who wants to keep the faith with wife Janine (Jennifer Connelly), but admits he was forced into marriage before he was ready. Janine however, seems more preoccupied with home renovations plus an unhealthy obsession with her husband's smoking habits.
Meanwhile, Ben's friend Neil (Ben Affleck), and Gigi's colleague Beth (Jennifer Aniston) have a long-time relationship going, but she is giving an ultimatum - too bad he isn't keen on getting married at all.
And oh, there's another thing about Mary. Apparently she's really into online relationships....
Goodwin, Aniston and Connelly: Guys just aren't that into them....
If you think the plotline's convoluted, that's because it actually is.
Yet somewhere through all the complicated and intertwined relationships, the movie and characters do eventually sort themselves out.
Couples get together, break up; pieces fall into place and life goes on.
They do have a Brit version you know - one with a bit more gender equality. It's called well... Love Actually....
It's a pity then that this film quite fails to deliver where the Brit counterpart did so well.
To be fair, the issues are different. But somehow stereotypes abound on an otherwise excellent ensemble cast that should have been fail-safe.
But instead we have characters like Gigi who just appears silly for her unwarranted faith in men, or Anna who insists on being the vixenous third party, and Janine, who just seems to miss the point completely.
I'm sorry then to have to say that, despite the presumably happy endings and it being supposed to be a chick flick and all - well, some men may be jerks - but the movie just doesn't reflect well on the ladies.
Guys must walk out of the theatre thinking that women are a neurotic bunch.
Perhaps, it is like as aforesaid. The men just don't get it.
But if that is so, maybe it's high time the girls learnt that - he's just not that into you....
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